Hey, procrastinators! Anyone still unsure of what they’re dressing up as for Halloween? Been there. It’s a lot of pressure! Commiserate with these GIFs, expressing the stages you go through when trying to plan a last-minute costume:
While friends have known what they want to dress up as for weeks, you keep putting it off until one day… you realize that Halloween is less than two weeks away!
They try to give you suggestions for costumes, but they took all the good ones. You’re like Katy Perry. “Shoo, shoo,” you say. “I can think of the perfect costume myself.”
Your first thought is to do something fun and pop culture-y. Like Miley Cyrus or… her tongue? (We’ve got the perfect MiCy looks, FYI.)
But then you realize everyone will be doing that. Back to square one.
All your other ideas are questionable.
It’s getting late, so you go through your closet and pick out the craziest things you own and try to justify a costume. We think you’re… a butterfly catcher with clown hair, Ariana Grande?
Then, realizing you don’t want to wear some crazy wig with no context, you think up a costume-not-costume. (It’s not any better.) “Oh, we’re… American?” We’re on to you, One Direction.
You are so frustrated and tired of Halloween you just can’t even.
Zoey Deutch is expressing, like, just a fraction of your pain.
So you stop thinking about Halloween for a bit until it hits you — the perfect costume.
Fabulosity: ACHIEVED. Sanity: REGAINED. Yeah, we’ll try to plan better next year… but we probably won’t.